Friday, March 10, 2006

Tokyo blogs

Wow, so I recently found out all kinds of folks are reading this blog, including professors in Japan and Philly... Must be on my best behavior! Lurkers of the world, give a shout and let me know what you think so far.

I must mention two classmates' blogs as well and all of us take different paths with chronicling our traverses in Tokyo. While I take the photojournalism route, the one and only Joe blogs our daily lifestyle. So for those of you dying to hear about what day-to-day life is like for TUJ students, check out Joe. It's pretty much like that. Ms. Rachel has her keitai (cell phone) camera out at all times and captures some of the most hilarious moments in Tokyo so far.

While I'm a bit shy to take photos in some situations, Rachel's got the gusto to go right up to everyone and click away. You can even see some photos of yours truly on there if you're so inclined. But by far the best posts are of our experiences in Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, where I definitely plan to revisit to capture all of its absurdity. The toilet that would swallow Westerners is quite a find indeed. Have a look, courtesy of Rachel:


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