Thursday, May 04, 2006

Done with second year!

Finished up my last exam yesterday, and so I'm two-thirds done with law school! Unfortunately, that means that I have only a few days left to explore Tokyo. I'm headed to Beijing on Monday and staying through Saturday and then leaving for home the Monday after that. While walking around Shibuya the other day, I was definitely a bit crestfallen to be leaving this incredibly exciting city, but it will also be nice to be able to drive through empty spaces again and return to beautiful New England.

But I will be happy to leave the traditional law school studies behind for a summer, along with the ambitious, and yes, manipulative, law school types that go along with it. For now, I will revel in the glow of freedom and the ability to read the books I please, to write a bit, and to learn whatever I like.

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Blogger Rachel in Tokyo said...

I'm looking forward to leaving the snotty tools behind as well, and take home some very special friends for life I have made here in Tokyo. :-)

May 06, 2006 9:48 AM  

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